Wednesday, November 20, 2013

I met someone

No not like that, a friend! Seriously just a friend. 

But first a quick update.  The past three months after going back to work have been rough.  I was home by happenstance for a year with Jonah and when I went back to work, I was ready. I have not been ready with the baby.  At four months old and returning to work, I feel like I have lost my baby.  I have become bitter, irritable, and emotionally labile.  All I had to do was think about my baby and my lost time with her and I would start bawling.  All I had to do was walk in my house and I could pick a fight with the husband.  I resented people who simply wanted to love on us.  Oddly work was okay as it served as a distraction from my rage, and I like my job. 

I felt like I was on a hamster wheel grabbing the kids and getting them to daycare everyday, working a long day, then coming home to a husband that left for night classes, and then to collapse every night by 9.  To say I felt overwhelmed is accurate.  And I was fucking pissed.  Pissed that I was missing out on being with my baby.  That I felt like I had no quality time with her, or for myself, or my laundry, or anything by the way.  A two year old tends to dominate so when I was home with the kids there was no quality baby time. 

I finally got myself evaluated for post-partum depression to be told that no I don’t have it and that I needed to stop working or work part-time, that is the only way I would feel better. Um, not helpful. At this point I cannot simply reverse the choices we have made that have led to me working full-time.  So I have been slowly working at working through my anger and being happier. This working full time is my choice and I have to make the best of it.  As the husband said, why did we work so hard to get to this place just to be miserable?  I can say after a month I do not cry every time I think of being away from the baby, we are carving out time for me to have quality time with the baby, I have told many people how unhappy I was and the support and understanding has lessened my bitterness, and I work hard at being happier.  So far it is working.

Also I made a new friend.  And granted we have only had two dates, but I feel really optimistic.  We have been in California for two years now and I have only made one friend.  And while this one friend is awesome we are very different and I don’t actually relate to her that much.  She is rich and lives a pretty opulent lifestyle, skinny blond tits on a stick, and works part-time with lots domestic help.  I just don’t feel comfortable talking about my woes.  In these two years I have felt like I am so different from most people I have met.  Then I met her.  She was a speaker at a professional development activity and as I listened to her, I kept thinking, wow I would like to be friends with this person. She is a professor of psychology with a private practice. I didn’t really know how to make a pass at her. So I decided after her presentation I would ask for her private practice info so perhaps I could refer clients to her.  She said she wasn’t taking new clients right now.  As we were talking one of my colleagues who also attended the presentation shtupped in-“You should be friends, you have a lot in common.”  We both realized we had kids around the same age, she mentioned a playdate, and I got her number.

I waited a few days because I didn’t want to appear desperate, because I am. I sent her a text message but never heard back.  The there was a professional happy hour and my colleague was like you should go, she is gonna be there.  But I couldn’t go. So I called the number and learned it was her office at the University so she couldn’t have gotten the text.  So I left a voicemail.  But I didn’t hear back.  Then two weeks later my colleague told me she had asked for my email and he gave it to her. Then I got an email explaining that she was on maternity leave and didn’t regularly check her messages but she would love to get together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Does this sound like being single and dating to you????

Anyhow we finally got together and I found out that we have so so so much in common.  We are both psychologists specializing in children, our husbands are both former military and we both dated long distance (including deployments), she is jewish her husband is not, we are both the major bread earners, we have two years olds and babies within two months of each other, and we are both BITTER!!!!!!!!!