Wednesday, June 29, 2011

California Adventure Part II

I returned a few days ago from my second trip out to California for interviews. I have definitely learned how to travel with an infant! Fishy has had 10 plane rides in the past month, oy! I spent two weeks out there and had three interviews, one being a second. I am waiting to hear if I got the job. They told me 1-2 to two days, that was last Thursday. So I am kinda feeling a bit negative about it. Plus they have not called my references. However, I was very surprised to get a second interview as I felt the first interview didn't go so well. Who knows.

We got the Fish's last day in the Army and it will be October 12th. Quite a bit later than we had hoped. We also found out we would not be getting his orders until August. When we look at that timeline a few things become clear. If I did get a job in CA I would be out there on my own for two months. Unless I got a job pretty close to the in-laws, it would not be tenable. I would be looking at putting the Fishy in daycare 10-12 hours a day even if I got a job close by. We had talked about me going out to CA in August just to be out there for possible interviews as the school year started. But, after spending this time apart, spending all the money on flights and what not, my gut is just telling me NO. Stay in Georgia and move out together as a family.

Stop the insanity.

Job hunting while taking care of a newborn has been awful. I feel so torn between taking care of Fishy and job searching. Flying back and forth has been so expensive. Being apart, blech. Having my in-laws help me out, so fortunate, but exhausting for everyone. We must stop the insanity. We came to the realization that we were running in circles. The transition from military life to civilian life was going to be a slow one. There was just no way we were going to be able to pull it off without some great cost both emotionally and financially. We felt we were going to make a wrong decision because there was so much pressure. My in-laws kept telling us that we just didn't have to do this. We could simply come live with them and figure it out. We realized we very well could end up of doing that in the long run if I do not find a job, but we have put ourselves through so much stress for what? The major drawback being that I miss the peak of the job search season, but it is not like it has been working out for me anyhow. Better to just get our boots on the ground in California and figure it out. And this way we can enjoy our final months in Sweatyville as a family.

I felt so good about the decision. Then I got home and was welcomed with a letter from the Employment Department about my unemployment benefits possibly ending. It doesn't change things, but it certainly doesn't makes things easier. We will have a roof over our heads and enough money to pay our bills. I hope.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

And back to California we go!

I got the call, actually an email, to interview for a school psychologist/school counseling position in the high desert of the inland empire of Southern California. I swear to G-d, that is actually what the region is called. It is a pretty good position, an hour drive from the in-laws. I will take it. Going to spend another week at the in-laws, they are thrilled!!! I am hoping that at least one of the six pending applications turns into an interview as well. I am ready to put this job search to bed and just focus on being a mommy and getting us back to the promised land (aka California). I leave again in a week. I hope to take less luggage and travel more efficiently. I also hope this trip is a bit more successful. If I have to go back a third time I may hire a stunt double. And now for some stinking cuteness.