Tuesday, May 31, 2011

California in review

I got back a few days ago and yes I am saying it, it is good to be back in Georgia. I missed the Fish and being in the bubble of my little family. California was mixed. I felt the interview went very well and I did my absolute best. However, I was not selected to go to the next stage of interviews and I was quite broken hearted. There are things I could have done differently in hindsight, but no major mess-ups. I so wanted this job for so many different reasons. I am just trying to move on from it. Traveling solo with an infant? OY. I did it, but in hindsight I think I was crazy. Changing planes, three hour layovers, trying to nurse on the plane while stuck in my baby bjorn? Let's just say Jonah got a lot of formula while flying. It was just easier and I needed easier. I am not one of those women who finds nursing to be easy. The simple mechanics of it when I am outside my home are hard for me.

I love being around my in-laws, there are such amazing people and just love on the fishy. So many people came to see the baby, sometimes 3 waves a day. It was tiring but so heartwarming. Fishy was such a trooper with everything, 6 planes in 10 days, three different homes, and except for one night, he was his usual happy easy going self. I had to go up to Northern California and see my friends and parents. It was so great to see everyone but by then I was exhausted and got the bad news and then I just wanted to go back home.

The hiring season is coming to a close for my field. I will continue to look, but the reality is setting in that there is a high probability we will be living with the in-laws. They are amazing people and they help me be a better mother and there is no denying the benefits to Fishy. We are so fortunate to have this support. It is just a bit horrifying to think this is the direction our life is taking. For the short run it will be difficult, but in the long run it will hopefully take us in the direction we want to ultimately be: living independently in California gainfully employed.

I am trying extremely hard to just be and not worry, and just enjoy this baby. I am getting better at it every day.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

What's in a name?

Choosing a name for your child if you are Jewish is complicated. The name's meaning has great significance as it symbolizes the baby's prophecy. Also you may choose to name your baby after a deceased person. So without further ado, introducing...........

Jonah Jacob

Jonah for the Hebrew meaning for peace and the dove. Selected as his parents met due to war. His mother's favorite Torah parshat/bible passage; Noah's Ark. The Dove was the messenger of hope. We hope our son is raised in a world of Peace. We hope our son is a messenger of hope. That he, like his parents, strongly believe in duty, in serving others, in making the world a better place. May Jonah live a life dedicated to Tikkun Olam/Repairing the world and Gemulit Hasidim/Acts of Love and Kindness.

His middle name, Jacob, in honor of his maternal Ancestors;. the Jacobs. A tribe that wrestled with G-d and was one of the founding families of the Children of Israel.

Monday, May 9, 2011


I gots me an interview with the Community College that UPS almost FUBAR'd me on!!!!

Besides an interview for a three-day a week position in Northern California, I have had zero traction in my job search. I decided to turn down the interview since I need full-time (my unemployment again would pay more, crazy!) and it was quite far from any family. We decided to keep the faith that something better would come along and if it did not, mooch off the in-laws. I am still a LONG way from securing a job, but I got an interview for a dream job and I get to go to California with the Fishy. I am soooooooooooooo excited!!!!